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BE(CSE) - PEOs & POs

UG - Programme Educational Objectives [PEO]
PEO1 Breadth: To provide the students with specific knowledge of a variety of areas of Computer Science and have a broad idea of related disciplines, for a productive career as well as research as per the needs of the industry.
PEO2 Depth: To impart to the students, fundamental knowledge in the theory and practice of the core areas of Computer Science, making them fit to pursue higher education or computing as a career.
PEO3 Practice: To enable the students to apply their knowledge in the identification, design, development, production, configuration, and maintenance of computing systems, for real life problems.
PEO4 Professionalism: To inculcate in our students healthy interpersonal skills and strong communication skills, as well as adhered to professional and ethical principles.
PEO5 Lifelong learning: To enable our students to engage in continuous professional development and to remain current in their field of work.

UG - Programme Outcomes [POs]
1 Engineering knowledge: Our graduates will have the knowledge of mathematics, logic, probability and statistics, computer science and engineering, and the skill to apply them in the fields of computer software and hardware.
2 Problem analysis: Our graduates will have the knowledge and skill to identify, formulate, and solve hardware and software problems using sound computer science principles.
3 Experimentation: Our graduates will have the skill to design and conduct experiments, organize, analyze, and interpret data.
4 Design and development: Our graduates will have the skill to design and construct hardware and software systems, components, or processes as per needs and specifications.
5 Team work: Our graduates will have the interpersonal and communication skills to function as team players on multidisciplinary teams.
6 Modern tools usage: Our graduates will be able to use the techniques, skills, and modern hardware and software tools necessary for computer engineering practice.
7 Social and environmental responsibility: Our graduates will demonstrate knowledge related to social, ethical, legal, economical, health and safety, sustainability and environmental dimensions.
8 Communication skills: Our graduates will be able to effectively communicate technical information in speech, presentation, and in writing.
9 Contemporariness: Our graduates will have knowledge of contemporary issues in the practice of their profession.
10 Self-learning: Our graduates will develop confidence for self learning and ability for life-long learning.
11 Competitive exam preparedness: Our graduates will participate and succeed in competitive examinations such as GATE, IES, GRE.
12 Leadership: Our graduates are trained to enhance their managerial skills, leadership quality and entrepreneurial spirit.

-- BSenthilKumar - 26 Dec 2014

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